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How to Use in Oxygen Builder

Getting Started

Use with Sidebar

Using token variables in the sidebar is a limited option when creating components of your website, you can use typography, color, size, border and other tokens.

Sidebar Sidebar Sidebar

Use with Custom CSS

Using the token variables in the Custom CSS, is an option with more customization and you can use all the properties of the token without limits.


background: var(--ob-primary-500);
color: var(--ob-primary-50);

gap: var(--ob-size-4);
padding: var(--ob-size-40) var(--ob-size-8);

border: var(--ob-border-w-8) solid var(--ob-primary-600);
border-radius: var(--ob-rounded-3xl);

box-shadow: var(--ob-shadow-primary-2xl);

width: 100%;
max-width: var(--ob-size-screen-xs);